On 17 Aug 2003 at 3:13, Harlan Bennett wrote:
Dear Mary Lou:
I am SO very glad that you got a chance to talk to Dan on Friday - he
DID remember enough of the conversation to say that he knew WHO you
were and that he liked you a lot. That is worth MORE to me than any
amount of gold, to see him being somewhat more himself. PLEASE don't
pin a halo on me; believe me that I'm NOBODY'S saint. There simply are
things that you do and DON'T do if you call yourself an ethical person
- and abandoning someone that we both love as much as we love Dan to
the suspect kindness of strangers is NOT something that we could ever
do. "There but for the Grace of the Goddess goes I"
Dan made his peace with what is happening to him while he was in the
VA Hospital in late July, when ALL the doctors were telling him that
they could GUARANTEE that he could live at least another 9 months to a
year if he would only let them cut out a lung, and then take both
radiation and chemotherapy. They would GUARANTEE him a 30% ARREST rate
- and when I pressed them for CURE rates, could only tell me that
there WAS no cure rate, that this type of cancer was NOT curable, that
NOTHING would stop it. He was lucid enough to put a DNR (Do Not
Resuscitate) on his medical records, and lucid enough to make a panel
of psychiatrists understand that he WANTED me to make medical
decisions for him, that HIS wishes were for NO treatment and NO
extreme measures, along with the DNR, and that he trusted me to be
able to carry out his wishes. I went out into the hall and cried until
I had no tears left over this; the last thing that I EVER wanted was
to have to decide to let him die - but he is going to have quality of
life over quantity of life, and that is truly what he wants.
My wife and I went to everyone in the medical community that has
anything to do with cancer treatments, including Dr. Burzynski, and we
got the same answer every place we went: "With small-cell cancer,
after it is established, there is nothing that can be done except
prolong the inevitable". Dan didn't have this cancer six months ago;
he's only been sick for about three months.
I'm sorry for being so prickly about the fundraising and all the money
that folks have sent in for Dan; I just don't want ANYONE to think
that we are doing this for any sort of reward. We AREN'T, and, with
this sort of thing, it's all too easy to be accused of that sort of
abominable and contemptible behaviour, and have it believed by
ignorant and idiotic people who have NOTHING better to do with their
time. I should have had more faith in Dan's friends and the principled
people of the Libertarian Party, but then, there you are: NOTHING is
easier to be accused of than this sort of profiteering, and
unfortunately, in a good many cases, it happens to be nothing more or
less than the absolute truth.
Bless you and all the other great-hearted people who truly care about
our Dan. He's one of the best, most special people that I have ever
known, and we have had some VERY lively conversations over dinner,
trust me! I'm a liberal Democrat, my wife is the VP of Log Cabin
Republicans - Houston, and Dan rounded out our conversations with
humour and a great deal of common sense. GODDESS, but I miss
Thank you for your phone number, and also for telling people to write
and to send cards. Our physical address is 7826 Marinette Drive,
Houston, Texas 77074. Our home phone number is 713-272-8265, my cell
number is 713-459-1265, and Dan's phone - which is FINALLY back on -
is 713-271-8702 (I found his checkbook, and was able to pay the
blank-dashed bill over MY phone to get it reconnected).
Thank you again for all your love and concern; I WILL keep everyone
updated as to what is going on here. Right now, I'm wading through
2800 + e-mails, and I still have three columns to write for next
week's publications. GAAAAAAAAAAAAH - I wonder what EVER made me think
that I could stay CAUGHT UP!!!!!!!
Blessed be,
Liberty Activist Blog
Update on Dan (from his caretaker) [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 20:10:33
On 17 Aug 2003 at 3:13, Harlan Bennett wrote:
Dear Mary Lou:
I am SO very glad that you got a chance to talk to Dan on Friday - he
DID remember enough of the conversation to say that he knew WHO you
were and that he liked you a lot. That is worth MORE to me than any
amount of gold, to see him being somewhat more himself. PLEASE don't
pin a halo on me; believe me that I'm NOBODY'S saint. There simply are
things that you do and DON'T do if you call yourself an ethical person
- and abandoning someone that we both love as much as we love Dan to
the suspect kindness of strangers is NOT something that we could ever
do. "There but for the Grace of the Goddess goes I"
Dan made his peace with what is happening to him while he was in the
VA Hospital in late July, when ALL the doctors were telling him that
they could GUARANTEE that he could live at least another 9 months to a
year if he would only let them cut out a lung, and then take both
radiation and chemotherapy. They would GUARANTEE him a 30% ARREST rate
- and when I pressed them for CURE rates, could only tell me that
there WAS no cure rate, that this type of cancer was NOT curable, that
NOTHING would stop it. He was lucid enough to put a DNR (Do Not
Resuscitate) on his medical records, and lucid enough to make a panel
of psychiatrists understand that he WANTED me to make medical
decisions for him, that HIS wishes were for NO treatment and NO
extreme measures, along with the DNR, and that he trusted me to be
able to carry out his wishes. I went out into the hall and cried until
I had no tears left over this; the last thing that I EVER wanted was
to have to decide to let him die - but he is going to have quality of
life over quantity of life, and that is truly what he wants.
My wife and I went to everyone in the medical community that has
anything to do with cancer treatments, including Dr. Burzynski, and we
got the same answer every place we went: "With small-cell cancer,
after it is established, there is nothing that can be done except
prolong the inevitable". Dan didn't have this cancer six months ago;
he's only been sick for about three months.
I'm sorry for being so prickly about the fundraising and all the money
that folks have sent in for Dan; I just don't want ANYONE to think
that we are doing this for any sort of reward. We AREN'T, and, with
this sort of thing, it's all too easy to be accused of that sort of
abominable and contemptible behaviour, and have it believed by
ignorant and idiotic people who have NOTHING better to do with their
time. I should have had more faith in Dan's friends and the principled
people of the Libertarian Party, but then, there you are: NOTHING is
easier to be accused of than this sort of profiteering, and
unfortunately, in a good many cases, it happens to be nothing more or
less than the absolute truth.
Bless you and all the other great-hearted people who truly care about
our Dan. He's one of the best, most special people that I have ever
known, and we have had some VERY lively conversations over dinner,
trust me! I'm a liberal Democrat, my wife is the VP of Log Cabin
Republicans - Houston, and Dan rounded out our conversations with
humour and a great deal of common sense. GODDESS, but I miss
Thank you for your phone number, and also for telling people to write
and to send cards. Our physical address is 7826 Marinette Drive,
Houston, Texas 77074. Our home phone number is 713-272-8265, my cell
number is 713-459-1265, and Dan's phone - which is FINALLY back on -
is 713-271-8702 (I found his checkbook, and was able to pay the
blank-dashed bill over MY phone to get it reconnected).
Thank you again for all your love and concern; I WILL keep everyone
updated as to what is going on here. Right now, I'm wading through
2800 + e-mails, and I still have three columns to write for next
week's publications. GAAAAAAAAAAAAH - I wonder what EVER made me think
that I could stay CAUGHT UP!!!!!!!
Blessed be,
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Update on Dan Weiner [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 22:30:50
In the Aug. 5 column Let's help Dan Weiner fight for his life", I mentioned the Medical Defense Fund set up for Dan. Well, today, Alan R. Weiss went to Houston to deliver the over $2600 raised to Dan, and to deliver the alternate treatment info we had collected. Here's Alan's report .....
Its just under 400 miles from Austin to Houston, round trip. It
might as well be another dimension, though, when you're going to
visit someone who is dying. The twin rush hours of Houston and
Austin fade in memory, and what remains is not the physical
discomfort of the hot Texas sun and the traffic, but the truth of why
I went to see Dan Weiner.
Dan Weiner is dying. He might NOT die. He might still pull out a
1980 US Hockey Team type "miracle", the kind you hope Jim McKay
announces. But the odds are definately stacked against Dan.
I debated whether or not I would tell you, my friends, the truth. I
debated whether or not I should try to be upbeat. In short, I
debated whether or not I should blow smoke up your asses. In the
end, I decided you *deserved* the truth. Dan Weiner always tried to
tell the truth in what he wrote. It seems to fit.
About that smoke: we don't know what causes this small-cell cancer,
but since it was in his lungs first and spread like a Malibu
wildfire, and since Dan smoked (and still does) like a smokestack,
you'd go to Vegas with the odds that it was smoking that finally
triggered the cancer.
I spoke at length to Harlan, who is Dan's roommate and she, with her
wife Marti (its complicated, but use your imagination), are taking
care of Dan. They feel its their karmic duty to take
care of him as followers of The Light. This is two sweet ladies
caring for a dying friend, one they obviously care about. From what I can ascertain, Dan needs a LOT of taking care of. The medical details are excruciating in embarrassment and I'll not dwell on them out of respect for Dan. At least he is not feeling pain - yet. He also is not entirely "here" any longer.
Today was one of his better days. He was reasonably lucid,
considering. But he wasn't chipper, and he dozed off a lot (he's not
on pain pills, either), and he forgets an awful lot a few seconds
after whatever it was he should have remembered has happened. Marti,
Harlan's wife, was at work, because yesterday she and Harlan obtained
Durable Power of Attorney papers for Dan. Its all legal. From what
I can tell of THAT, it was Dan's explicit wish, too.
I delivered the over $2600 that y'all gave so generously to Dan. At
first, Harlan was insulted. "We don't need any money", she said in
that East Texas twang that says, "we don't take charity." When I
explained that it was because individuals were HONORING Dan Weiner,
wanted him to keep up the good fight if he could, wanted him to eek
out what pleasure he could if he can't fight what is ravaging his
entire body, she relented. Then, she broke down and cried. She cried
a few times when I visited. ....
We both cried. Dan dozed on the couch. He had faded out again. One
of their dozen or so cats crawled up onto my lap, purring.
Harlan agreed to try to get Dan's phone turned back on (he forgot to
pay the bill). She agreed to try to get Dan back online, but she
admitted that he forgets what he just typed, or why, and can't really
focus. From what I say, I believe it.
I called L. Neil Smith, and he talked to Dan in that certain way Neil
has, both courteous and caring at the same time. I'll let Neil tell
you what he said, if he wants to, but it was lovely. Neil is going
to send Dan his chapters on Ceres, and Texas uber Alles. If Dan
can't read them, Harlan promised to read them to Dan, as if reading
him a bedtime story. For you see, its pretty much always bedtime for
Dan these days, as he sleeps a lot.
I then called Mary Lou Seymour, who's tough exterior hides a .999
pure gold heart of love, concern, and caring for a fallen
compatriot. She and Dan chatted a bit. Dan was gruff and curt, and
had little to say to her (or Neil). Brain cancer does that to you,
too. She might have more to say on all that.
I made sure Dan Weiner got every bit of the money y'all donated, and
all of the research that you sent was compiled by Mary Lou. I
printed that out and gave it to Dan, and to Harlan. When I left her,
when I had said my goodbyes to Dan, after Harlan had told me what the
doctors had told her - that Dan is too far gone, that the Burzynski
Clinic in Houston even doesn't think they can help him - I hugged her
and told her to spend the money as Dan and she sees fit. Buy him
some fun in what time he has left. Buy him some cesium if he thinks
that might help him. She promised to do that.
I got in my car, and headed back into the Houston traffic to make my
way back home to lovely Austin, 3 1/2 hours distant. I thanked
Divine Providence and Harlan's Wiccan Goddess that I didn't have what
Dan Weiner has, and I said a little, tiny prayer for him. And all of
Alan R. Weiss
Alan, my dear, you are a real mensch. I know how hard it was to visit
Dan, and we all thank you for doing so. I feel much more at ease now
after briefly talking to Dan, and, (it was on speaker phone) hearing the
real tenderness & concern in Harlan's voice as she explained what
they were trying to do. Dan was able to talk fairly lucidly, but, he kept
"fading out", much as has been my experience with other folks with
brain cancer. He said he wanted to "fight", and we gave him what
"ammo" we could. I feel sure Harlan will use the funds FOR Dan, if he
wants to try cesium or whatever. Harlan also said to WRITE Dan,
send him cards, letters, etc. I don't know if he can follow e-mail well.
We can all pray for him, send good vibes his way, etc. He is NOT
dead yet. He is dying. Miracles do happen. He is not in pain, he says.
Harlan says he can have a morphine drip if he is in pain, and, that the
hospice folks will be out soon. (If the hospice folks in TX are anything
like in SC, they are wonderful caring folks who help ease your way to
the next plane, so to speak.)
But again, I wanted to thank Alan, from the bottom of my heart, for
caring enough and following through to get us this information on our
fallen comrade.
Please send Dan cards and letters to his snail address
7826 Marinette Dr
Houston, TX 77074
Bless you Alan, and everyone who has responded.
Mary lou
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More on 'Character ed' from a reader... [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 22:22:17
Ned Vare writes in .....
Your message about character ed was forwarded to me by Bob Strippy in
VA,who was once a classmate of mine in PA. I live in CT and recently wrote
a letter to the local newspaper editor (to be published) about that same
thing. I thought you might be interested in what I said, hoping also
that others might use the same method to warn parents and the public. Thanks for your work. You can add me to your list. I'm a libertarian, homeschool parent, activist, write a lot, am on public access TV a lot.
Best wishes, Ned Vare
To the editor:
Does anyone remember �Do unto others...� or �Don�t kill, don�t
steal, don�t lie...�? Now that those �religious� concepts have been banished by the government from its buildings and schools, officials are attempting to replace them with their own secular values. In this way, government is setting itself up as the the master of morality and ethics -- taking over the functions of family and church, and using the schools to do it. Have you heard about it? Probably not.
Guilford�s schools, like most public schools, teach �Character
Education.� It could be called �Conscience Formation� or maybe even �The
Ten Commands,� since the lesson plan has ten parts, plus one more for
"assessment." It�s done through consensus-building in the classrooms --
all scripted by the state, of course. Instead of promoting diversity of
beliefs as they claim to do, schools now offer one-size-fits-all beliefs as the employees preach �core ethical values.� Where do they do their
preaching? It's embedded in the �Health� curriculum. School has become a secular church.
Prized values include Tolerance, but we might ask, tolerance of what
-- drugging, or team teaching, fuzzy math, ethnic cleansing, grade
inflation, or what? Another value is Loyalty. Do they mean loyalty to politicians, or to James Jones or to the school Superintendent or whom? There�s also Cooperation and Involvement. These both "smell" to me like appeals to parents to go along blindly with all school programs, especially budgets.In fact, all the �values� seem highly school-serving, but not necessarily character-building for children. The plan seems to be to indoctrinate instead of educate, without telling parents or the public. It makes one wonder, what was so wrong with the Ten Commandments, anyway.
What�s going on? The government seeks to be our surrogate parent for
life, taking the place of religion and individual responsibility while
increasing state power. It�s an Orwellian development in which state-run
schools undermine children�s trust of their family and cultural ethics
while teaching them to trust government instead. Big Brother and the school system now tell your children what to believe.
It�s one more reason for the growth of homeschooling.
Ned Vare
Excellent letter, Ned! Thanks for sharing...
Mary Lou
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Great title! [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 21:35:21
Thanks to reader Cyn Day, who has been forwarding this week's column Back to school to other lists with the subject header "Mama don't let your children grow up to be Zombies"! What a GREAT title ... Wish i'd thought of that! Thanks, Cyn!
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And even more poster ideas... [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 22:05:00
And a promising lead here from Alan Turin...
Dear Ms. Mary Lou:
Your item today reminded me of a book on political posters that I read.
Published in 1972 it was this compedium of political posters from
literally the whole world. The author [will find it and forward it to you]
donated his collection to the Smithsonian.
His stuff I used for some early efforts in the Republican Liberty Caucus
circa 1993-4. It is a worthwhile resource for poster ideas.
your most faithful and obedient servant
Alan Turin
Soon as Alan sends me the name, I'll post it! Thanks!
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More wall art tips! [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 22:03:13
Again in reference to this week's column, Spreading the libertarian meme with wall art
Katherine Albrecht of CASPIAN writes in ...
Mary Lou:
Thanks for great pointers to cool websites.
Let your readers know that you can take a file of an 8.5"x11" poster to
Kinkos and they will blow it up in full color to 2'x3' for about $40.00.
You can then either have it framed (custom framing: about $200; pre-made
poster frame: about $25) or you can mount the resulting poster on a $2
foamboard (available at any office supply store) using double sided,
removable "poster tape" (about $2 at office supply stores).
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More libertarian meme posters [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 22:00:56
This in from a reader...
Dear Mary Lou,
I receive your emails and want you to enjoy my website rexcurry.net
also at http://members.ij.net/rex/
I have artwork at
and specifically gun related "art" at
and social security shirt/art that you should find amusing at
Rex Curry
Great!!! Thanks Rex!!
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CASPIAN finds Gillette "smoking gun"! [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 18:08:10
Update to this week's column Stop supermarket surveillance cards and RFID technology
Published today on CASPIAN web site ....
Gillette shelf photographs unsuspecting shoppers!Here's proof that Gillette and the Auto-ID Center are deeply involved in shopper surveillance Katherine Albrecht, CASPIAN director, says "We found
the Gillette smoking gun documents, and will be calling for a boycott if
they don't come clean and apologize."
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My dog Spot [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 23:16:28
To go along with this week's column, My dog Spot on supporting private animal rescue efforts,
Here are some pictures of Spot taken July 13 (a week after rescue)
Pictures July 13
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Update from Ernie Hancock [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 18:21:07
In this week's column A Breath of Freedom I recommended supporting Ernie Hancock in the "next wave" of his radio show "Declare your independence"... here's an update from Ernie!
So many of you have been so supportive of the radio show that I want to
keep you all up to speed on what is going. So many new opportunities and
varibles keep coming up as we near the end of my contract on the 24th of
July that I have to ask that you please withhold all of your financial
support until I am certain of the show's future. Until contracts are
signed or the 24th comes and goes I'll be quiet.
The entire entertainment industry is just like politics. I'm finding that
nothing is as it seems :)
I'll let everyone know what's what as soon as I am sure.
Thanks for your patience,
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Fly a new version of the Bennington Flag?Hmmmm... [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 18:13:15
A note from John Koch, referencing the Flag Day 2003 column...
A while back you posted an article about flying true flags of freedom,
such as the Rattlesnake flags of the American Revolution. I responded
that I was taking the slightly less confrontational tack of flying the
Betsy Ross flag instead, since it is the one most associated with the
American Revolution in the mind of the typical American. I now have
another slightly more confrontational idea.
How about flying a modified, updated version of the Bennington Flag? In
case you are unfamiliar with it, it was a contemporary of the Betsy
Ross; 2 stars in the upper corners of the canton, 11 stars in an upside
down 'horseshoe' or arch, over the numbers "76". It was also called the
Vermont. http://anyflag.com/history/benning.htm
My suggestion is to get custom updated versions of the flag made with
"03" or "2003" (or whatever modern year), possibly to represent the
year that the flag's owner declared their own independence?
I'm going to look into this, maybe I can convince my wife to make me
one (since I don't sew, and she is practically a professional
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Personal declaration of independence [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 20:43:20
In this week's column, Don't mourn, organize, I mentioned that Strike the Root was publishing personal declarations of independence for this years Independence Day. Here's a good one ... A Personal Declaration of Independence by Alfred A. Hambidge, Jr.
You GO, Al!
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Another flyer for July 4 [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 16:59:26
In this week's column Don't mourn, organize!, I mentioned the idea of handing out (in meatspace or cyberspace) a "New Declaration of Independence," written in today's language, and, gave several versions to choose from.
Mark Montoni of the LPVA-Shendoah has sent in the version his LP group uses, nicely done in a 3 fold flyer, and I've posted it at New Declaration Flyer in pdf for y'all to use! Mark adds that "The Shenandoah LP will modify it for other Libertarian Party groups for a modest fee."
Good deal! Contact Mark at Freedom@Apple2.com
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Can the Salem witch trials happen today? [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 19:52:33
A reader writes in (re this weeks column C.L.A.W. vs C.A.T.)
Hi Mary Lou,
I was reading this week's Liberty Action (and sent it on to many of my passive friends, lol) and it reminded me of some articles I had read about the witch hunts of medeival times up to the Salem witch trials.
More witches were killed by their locals than the state and church combined, so says a Llewellen publication, Magical Almanac (2002 ed. I think) and more recently I've read a book called "the Secret History of Witchcraft" which was like a narrative from a tv documentary, but it
also pointed out that most people were harmed by their neighbors than the state or church, as scapegoats or for revenge...
The same thing could happen here. The government agencies may not have to do anything too drastic, some of our very neighbors may turn on us. I've seen a huge "Love it or Leave it" sign by a local remodelling firm (a lousey one, at that)and even tho most people I know on a personal level are pretty upset with the government, there are alot of people still
driving with the double-flag motorcade look and American Pride stickers, yard signs, etc. around here. It's the general consensus among my aquaintances that people wouldn't gather together to support anyone, as in the Laura Kriho case (remember how folks chipped in the money for her fines?).
I really enjoy your missives and the links you provide. I'm impressed with your fearless work. I don't think you're a loony, if that makes you feel any better. I understand exactly what you're trying to convey. Many people are just extra cautious, and certainly are aware to watch what they say about things. It's difficult to tell which way things
will go, but generally speaking I find people who are totally fed up, then people who are totally brainwashed (pod people) and then, the apathetic.. the last seems to be the predominant feeling, just apathy.
Well, I'm not apathetic but I'm not a particularly outgoing person, anyway. We all have our own ways to cope. I am a reach one-teach one kind of person.
I'll write to you again, just thought you might find the witch information interesting. I'm sure there's a more detailed imformation available somewhere, probably in several books. The "secret" history of Witchcraft was a bit of a let down, but it did go all the way up to the
Harry Potter controversies, and named the four tv shows that deal with Wicca, "Buffy TVS", "Angel", "Charmed" and "Sabrina, the Teen Aged Witch" -- and had a picture of Starhawk and mentioned her book, "The Spiral Dance" -- Oh, I'm not into any rituals, covens and such, but I do
find Wicca an interesting way to observe the changing of the seasons.
And an addendum from cyn...
OK, there's a couple of things that I realized are rong about my note, like I'm not sure what year of the "Magickal Almanac" it was that I read the interesting article about more people being accused of witchcraft by their neighbors than the church and state combine, and also the book "Witchcraft: A Secret History" really isn't such a bad book for a general over-view. The author is Michael Streeter and the book
is written in a very fair way. The author pointed out that more men tended to dabble in "sorcery" than women and it also points out that wicca is not a Satanic "religion" and is more realistic about the current
history of its origins. It does not attempt to tie current trends in with pre-Christian times, but starts with more current times. I don't know if you want an entire book review, LOL, but I just wanted the
book acknowledgements to be more accurate... I'm a bit of a stickler for that. "Witchcraft" isn't full of silly romanticism nor does it go into great details and it doesn't seem to be written with any kind of
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C.L.A.W. logo! [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 16:59:44
In my June 17 column, C.L.A.W. vs C.A.T., I asked for submissions for a logo for our new "organization", the Community Liberty Activist Whatever (C.L.A.W.)
Well, Lux Lucre has come up with ...
Any other entries? Heck, we could have a "vote" ... or, not. Just use whatever one you like best:-)
Mary lou
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Defy the police state! [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 22:55:42
Another Flag Day reader writes in
I am going to get the "Don't Tread on Me Flag." I could never bring
myself to fly the stars and stripes after the 9-11 debacle. I saw it
being flown by people whom I suspected to be racists, and thought their
goal was to get all Muslim's. But reading your article about Flag Day
reminded me of that one. I shall raise it in defiance of the police
state. Thank you for your continuing efforts to reach us all.
Wonderful!!! I look forward to seeing a LOT of alternate flags this flag day!
Ya know, I DO wish some enterprising soul would make some Gadsden Flag "car flags", you know, the nifty flags you stick on your side window frame? If anyone sees any of those for sale, LET ME KNOW!!!
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Betsy Ross Flag? [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 22:51:04
Comment on my Flag Day 2003 column, from John Koch...
I prefer the Betsy Ross flag myself. Its the one symbol most likely to
remind average Americans (the kind who will not recognize the Gadsden
Flag, having not been taught it in publik skool) of the American
Revolution, a time when America *was* a place of freedom. It looks
enough like the modern Flag of The Empire to raise few eyebrows, while
still being unmistakably what it is.
To each their own. John
Well, the Gadsden rattlesnake flag is well recognized here in SC (well, I guess it WOULD be:-), and, my point is that I WANT to raise some eyebrows or at least get attention, but, as you say, to each their own.
Thanks for the idea, John!
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What's a prospective juror to do? [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 22:08:14
My June 3 column Can our justice system be saved? brought several interesting responses from readers about their own experiences on juries ... Jim Ewins has agreed to let me share his question with y'all.
MARY lOU, I served on jury duty last week. As a part of the jury
selection process, the judge asks prospective jurors to swear that they
will accept the judges interpretation of the law and her instructions to the jury. In other words, the judge will define how the jury is to evaluate the evidence. If one wished to be on a jury one must submit or face contempt or perjury charges. About 10 years ago when serving, I asked the bailiff if I could ask the judge a question about Jury nullification. I was told, wait til the trial is over. When it was over I was told the judge would not discuss the matter. A conspiracy? Probably.The Solution- I have no idea.
Jim Ewins
And yep, that IS a problem. I've run into it myself, during "voir dire", when the Judge (Federal Court) asked if there were any prospective jurors who disagreed that HE was the sole judge of the law, we were to judge only the "facts" ... my "solution" was to give a speech on jury nullification until the Judge shut me up by saying "you're excused". Interestingly, also, after that experience (in 96, IIRC), I have NOT been called for jury duty in ANY court since ... and I was averaging a "call a year" for various courts (I'm never chosen to actually be ON the jury, I work in a law office and neither side wants any juror who knows anything about the law:-)
Anyway, it's an interesting dilemna.
If anyone has other stories to share, send them to me.
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And a note from a reader in Germany [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 08:33:36
RE: Free Frank Cooper column
Dear Mary Lou,
This Soviet style happening in your state makes me very sad and mad too.
Not much that I can do from here. Similar things happen here in Germany as well (there is a lawyer in Munich campaigning against those abuses) and, from an extensive TV report, I know that they are very "popular" in France too these days and everywhere I guess. It is the state, we know that. But in your case it started with the stupid mean neighbours. We have to see that these neighbours are "the state" too or in the first place. You know what I mean, you expert on the sheeple. :-)
The story touches me particularly because I lived something along a
similar line regarding my mother. I had contracted a nursing service to assist me a little bit with caring for her. I was unlucky to have fallen on a very greedy one. They wanted to offer more services than needed and tried to influence me to apply for certain government financial help. The money would have come from the taxpayer and entered directly the pockets of that nursing service. I refused. They took revenge. They used, what you mention, that anyone can file a complaint. Court proceedings started. Of a very special kind, very different from the usual civil or penal ones. The Germans call it "Freie Gerichtsbarkeit", which means "Free Jurisdiction".
A big irony, as "the accused" have none of the normal protections guaranteed by the rule of law, like, for instance, the right to appeal the decision.
And it is no real lawsuit with pleading etc., its mostly administrative,
behind closed doors, in offices, without "the accused", not in a court
room with the public present. Etc. etc. To make it short. Both my mother and I were denied rights. Though these rights are clearly printed in the law book regarding the matter. The judge just ignored them. A legal tutor was installed who could take a thousand decisions, not only regarding my mother but especially me. I was lucky insofar only as the person selected was relatively decent. Nevertheless, for many years, I lived the ordeal of a "prisoner", a "slave" to the state and the economic interests it selectively protects, of course the most immoral ones.
Now, 22 months later, only saved from it through the death of my mother, I am still sort of "gasping for fresh air". You can imagine what this meant to an anarchist.
Can you imagine also that they did not cure me from anarchism?
Best wishes,
I wish I could help you puttin' that steenking permit up the a... of the
state attorney, where it belongs, as it is where it got its distinctive
stench from...
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Another reader from the "belly of the beast" [General] - admin - libertymls@keepandbeararms.com @ 08:29:58
I live in Richland County SC and I just read your online article:
May 28, 2003: Free Frank Cooper.
I must admit, I do not subscribe to "The State" newspaper. I just cannot
see paying out my hard earned dollars for such a liberal/socialist rag. But then again, I do have the internet and should check "The State" web page more often than I do.
From this point on, I make myself a promise that I will check it at least once a week and catch all current days stories as well as the entire weeks stories just to be and stay informed as to what these "Jack Booted Thugs" are up to. What and who's rights that are being trampled on, and why.
It is a shame to see what this county and state as well as the federal
government are turning into.
If you have more information on this story, please let me know.
Thank You,
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