Liberty Activist Blog

Sunday, June 25, 2006

LAND: The week in review June 18-25
Source: Liberty Action News Digest

In police state news this week, the US gets access to worldwide banking data, the 'Flag amendment' is one vote from passage in the Senate, and civil rights attorney Lynne Stewart (convicted of aiding terrorists last year ... the terrorist was her client) wants to know if the gov't eavesdropped on her; a student learns the high price of protest and a 68 year old anti-war protestor in England is arrested .... news from Iraq continues to be grim, grimmer and grimmest, as the 'hidden toll' surfaces ... 450,000 refugees now living in Syria ... and a portrait from the US embassy in Iraq of 'increasing danger and hardship faced by its Iraqi employees'. On the anti-war side, Lieutenant Watada refuses Iraq deployment orders, Cindy Sheehan supports deserters in Canada. Commentaries this week on Gitmo, the anniversary of the infamous Kelo decision, why Bush's Iraq is worse than Saddam's, and more on the SCOTUS gutting of the 4th Amendment. Don't miss Claire wolfe's 'Midway through the year of silence' and Ernie Hancock on 'What the Libertarian Party should be doing' ...

Til next week

For freedom

Mary Lou

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