Liberty Activist Blog

Saturday, January 31, 2004

Support Hunter Monday Feb.2!

New Hampshire man indicted for carrying concealed weapon

A New Hampshire man arrested last month by the state patrol was indicted Thursday on a felony count of carrying a concealed weapon by an Ashland County grand jury. Jeffrey Jordan, 42, was arrested Dec. 31 by a trooper of the Ashland post of the Ohio Highway Patrol after a traffic stop. He faces a charge of carrying a concealed weapon because troopers said they found two handguns on him. Jordan is scheduled to be arraigned Monday at 11:30 a.m. (01/30/04)

Come to the arraignment and support Hunter!

The court house is at 142 W. Second Street in Ashland, Ohio. The
arraignment is at 11:30am.

A Mapquest map, from which you can get driving directions is at:


Wednesday, January 28, 2004

In memoriam, Ron Crickenberger

A note from Noelle Stettner (Ron's life partner)

Ron's funeral was not planned in advance. Ron was always positive about beating his illness, and fought very hard until the very moment of his passing. Up until the final two days, his family and I continued to hope and pray for a miracle. It is still inconceivable to me, his parter of 12 1/2 years, that he is gone. However, I understand that due to their love and respect for Ron, his friends and colleagues are anxiously awaiting the time to be able to express their feelings. As soon as final arrangements are made, the information will be posted here. We hope that bureacracy will not keep us from scattering his ashes at the Statue of Liberty or somewhere near it. Noelle

Thursday, January 22, 2004

More about Health care and dying, freedom and responsibility

Mary Lou:

Thanks for mentioning LifeSharers.

You may want to let your readers know that they can get more information on durable powers of attorney for healthcare at the LifeSharers web site. We have
state-specific forms for all 50 states, and more, at

Dave Undis


Hunter Court Date Feb.2

From Jeff Jordan ...

I have confirmed with the legal team that the next court date is open
to the public. So spread the word throughout the land. I'll be wearing
a suit and tie, and if I can remember how will even comb my hair. So
the spectator value will be pretty high even ignoring the legal

The appearance is at Ashland County Common Pleas court, which I
believe is at 142 W 2nd Street, Ashland Ohio. The proceedings start at
11:30 AM February 2. I shall leave it to the local activists to arrange the
details of where and when they will gather. I will be arriving with
the lawyers, and probably tied up with them for at least a little
while before that to boot. I suspect I will be told it would be
inadvisable to say anything; you know the drill. I would appreciate as
big a show of support as we can manage, but remember that we MUST
appear polite, respectable, and businesslike. Feel free to forward
this notice far and wide, and should the local activists have
questions that they can't get answered on

feel free to email me at this address.

Molon Labe!

Jeffrey L Jordan

The Hunter

Monday, January 19, 2004

New article by The Hunter

Liberty: the gold that does not glitter

The Price of Liberty

"Liberty does not "glitter"; it often appears far less valuable to many than it really is. All too often, the unthinking trade freedom for the seductive illusion of security and stability. Just as Franklin warned us, in the end they are left with neither." (01/19/04)

Friday, January 16, 2004

Hunter update

Sunni will be on the radio via Utah next week to talk about Hunter's case,
Monday 1/20 beginning approximately 11:15 a.m. MST on the Jim Dexter
radio program on KTKK, 630 AM, Salt Lake City. Streaming audio
available from the web site,;
call-in numbers are 801-254-5855, 801-470-5855, and 801-670-5855.

Almanac suggestion

Mary Lou, it's too late for your LAofW this week, but it seems to me that
the best almanac to send AG A******* would be a copy of Poor Richard's
Almanack, the original, hopefully with a number of that radical revolutionary and
abetter of terrorists, B. Franklin's quotes, either highlighted and
bookmarked, or printed carefully on the outside. The best would probably be:
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. "

For liberty and encouragement,


Sunday, January 11, 2004

New News Story on Hunter

Friend defends man facing gun charges

Jeffrey Jordan may have been driving through Ohio just a few months too late.

"It would be ironic if Jeff becomes one of the last casualties in Ohio of the kind of gun laws responsible Ohioans have been working against so hard for so long," Sunni Maravillosa, a long-time friend of Jordan, said.

Jordan, 42, was arrested Dec. 31 by a trooper of the Ashland post of the Ohio Highway Patrol after a traffic stop. He faces charges of carrying a concealed weapon after troopers said they found two handguns on him.

The resident of New Hampshire, where it is already legal to carry a concealed weapon if properly licensed, was released on bond.

Read the rest here

Hunter is HOME!

------ Forwarded message follows -------

From: "Sunni Maravillosa"

Date sent: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 13:34:18 -0500

Hi all,

Just got a phone call from Hunter. He's home, and understandably
tired. It does not look like his house has been searched, he said.

He also asked me to pass along his deepest and most sincere thanks to
all of you, for all your help.


Saturday, January 10, 2004

Free Hunter: Update on Hunter; and Thanks

By Sunni Maravillosa

January 10, 2004

The wheels of justice turn ever so slowly, it's said, and progress in
Jeffrey "the Hunter" Jordan's case is no different. His SUV and its
contents have been released from the Ohio Highway Patrol, but there's
no word on their condition, nor even if the truck is drivable.
Fortunately, the date of his return has been moved back from 1/9 to
1/12, and he will be going through Ohio to pick up his property and
return home to New Hampshire this weekend. Thanks in large part to
support from concerned freedom lovers, Hunter will have funds on hand
to rent a vehicle to return home should that be necessary.

Support for Hunter has been pouring in at an unexpected rate. Many
individuals have given very generously to his legal defense fund.
Others have helped spread the word across the internet to many
firearms groups and forums, among libertarian activists, and just
about everywhere there might be interest, it seems. Lawyers and law
students have offered pro bono assistance of varying sorts. Other
individuals have volunteered to research relevant statistics on
firearm use and crime, especially relating to Ohio and comparisons
pre- and post-CCW law enactment.

The willingness of so many individuals to help Hunter is very
encouraging, but not totally surprising. He's supported many RKBA
organizations, with donations of both time and money, for years. He's
written on gun-related topics for several web publications, has taken
a good amount of training, and is a good instructor and gunsmith
himself. We've been trying to keep Hunter updated with all the
support he's getting, and his lawyer sends along Hunter's sincerest thanks
for all that each of you has done to help.

Many of you knew that a revised Ohio concealed carry bill has
recently been approved by the legislature. Governor Taft has signed the bill,
and it will go into effect on April 2. While that doesn't mean Hunter
will be let off, it will have to weigh on the jurors' minds that what
they are considering jailing a man for doing in December will most
likely be a legal activity in Ohio at the time of the trial.

It is a testament, not only to Hunter, but to the freedom community
that we have pulled together so quickly and so well to help a fellow
liberty lover who's facing a very challenging path. I'd like to
specifically thank Matt Gaylor who immediately came to Hunter's
rescue when Don Lobo Tiggre heard of his arrest and was out of range to help
himself. Matt has been invaluable, both in Ohio and around the
country, in keeping individuals updated on news. Mary Lou Seymour has
also been instrumental in spreading the word through her Rational
Review Freedom Action of the Week, and email updates. Claire Wolfe
and Debra Ricketts have been wonders -- Claire has sent word far and
wide; both of them have donated generously and offered their PayPal and
e-gold accounts as means to accept contributions of those types.

Despite the cat-herding jokes and the frustrations that can accompany
dealing with individuals who insist on doing things their way, this
crisis demonstrates very clearly how peaceful, voluntary action works
to accomplish tasks. That's what the Liberty Round Table is all
about, and that's what Hunter, as a Knight Defender of the LRT, has embodied
for years. Thank you all, from Hunter, Don Lobo, and myself.

Friday, January 09, 2004


From Matt Gaylor

For those within driving distance of north central Ohio, please join us
for breakfast with Jeff Jordan, Liberty Round Tables' The Hunter.  Jeff was
recently charged with carrying a concealed weapon by the Ohio State
Highway Patrol.  Jeff is coming back to Ohio to get his vehicle and belongings back from the OHP.  You can show your support for RKBA and Jeff by showing up tomorrow.  Please dress respectful, business causal would be good. Everyone who values freedom is welcome to attend.

I spoke to Jeff this afternoon and he will be in Ohio this evening along
with DLT.

When: Saturday, January 10th at 9am

Where: Bob Evans Restaurant 1304 E MAIN STREET, ASHLAND OH 44805

Just exit off I-71 at St. Route 250 and head west toward Ashland. The
Bob Evan's is on your right about 2-3 miles from the Interstate.  Ashland is about 80 miles north of Columbus, just off of I-71.

For a map just go to:  and enter the address.

We'll meet in the parking lot, and then have breakfast together.  Just
look for a 2003 Black Ford F-150 Supercab as a rally point. Our presence will mainly serve as a respectful send off for Jeff and to provide moral support. Other details will be provided in person.

For additional info you can contact me on my cell phone at 614-313-5722 or DLT at 608-345-7731.

Regards,  Matt Gaylor-

Tuesday, January 06, 2004


Two pieces on the FIJA web site now about  Hunter...

and some REALLY good press!

Gun-toter has 'Liberty' on his side

Group helping man fight concealed weapons law

Mansfield News Journal staff report

A New Hampshire man arrested last week in Ashland County on
weapons charges appears to be gearing up to take on Ohio's concealed weapons law. And he might have plenty of help. A Web site seeking donations to help fund legal costs by attorneys for Jeffrey
L. Jordan, 42, of Lyndeborough, N.H., is under construction. Web sites
and chatrooms are being inundated with pleas for financial help.
On Dec. 29, troopers from the Ashland post of the Ohio Highway Patrol
stopped Jordan on Interstate 71 in Ashland County for speeding. During the traffic stop, troopers seized several weapons. Jordan was
arrested and faces multiple charges, including two counts of carrying a concealed weapon, fourth-degree felonies which could result in jail terms of up to 18 months.A group calling itself the Liberty Round Table has embarked on a mission to help Jordan fight the charges in Ohio." (01/06/04)

And, an update from Sunni (at LRT)

From: "Sunni Maravillosa"

Subject: today's Hunter news update

Date sent: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 20:31:48 -0500

Hi everyone,

Here's the news on Hunter's situation: his lawyer thinks that he will
be able to get his truck and most of his possessions back soon,
possibly as early as tomorrow. Hunter is thinking about being in Ohio
Friday to pick it up. That depends on whether the court will extend
his date to be back in NH.

Those of you in Ohio and interested in helping Hunter convoy across
the state -- so that he can't be targeted by the cops again -- please
start thinking about your plans, possible routes, and contacting
individuals who might be willing to help escort our friend through the
OH uncivilized zone. That may happen as early as Thursday or Friday.

For those of you who may not have seen it yet, the Mansfield News
Journal (out of Ohio) published a nice report on Hunter's support,
focusing on the Liberty Round Table.

No word from the OSP yet on any lab results, test results, search
results, or *anything* regarding their investigation in Hunter and his
property. Hence, we don't know if the prosecutor might be interested
in offering a plea bargain or not.

Hunter continues to be in good spirits, and wishes to communicate his
deep appreciation to everyone who's helped spread the word,
contributed time and/or money to his cause, and offered personal or
moral support for him.

Thanks from us all!
