Liberty Activist Blog

Sunday, September 10, 2006

LAND: The week in review September 3-9
Source: Liberty Action New Digest

In news this week, in Mexico, the Court installs Calderon as Prez but the crisis continues, a group in the UK calls for the gov't to censor ... suicide, the owner of DataUSA Inc. a polling service which counted Prez Bush and Sorry Joe Lieberman among its customers, pleads guilty to fraud for altering poll data (big surprise is they got caught!), social networking site Facebook loses face over force-fed updates, Democrats in Missouri squelch democracy (rejecting initiative petitions), the Rainbow Farm murders remembered in Indiana, the Center for Constitutional Rights asks the court to stop the fed wiretappers, while anti-war activists travel from Texas to DC. Commentaries this week include US Rep. Ron Paul on eminent domain, Georgia Carry on 'Murder in a victim disarmament zone' Shadow Monkey on proving you're not a terrorist so you can travel, Helen Carter on 'Greenham Common remembered', an update on Logan Darrow Clements and the 'Liberty Hotel', John Ross on 'Death of the Mexican presidency', L.Neil Smith on 'One dollar gas' ... and more!

Til next week

For Freedom

Mary Lou

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