Liberty Activist Blog

Monday, May 29, 2006

LAND: The week in review May 21-27
Liberty Action News Digest

Aaron Russo's new film 'Freedom to Fascism' gets an ovation in Cannes, military funeral protestor ban heads to Bush's desk ('Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act') with truly draconian penalties .... in the UK, the police 'overreact' and rough up anti-war protestors ... and steal their banners and placards. The FCC announces it won't protect Americans from NSA spies, Verizon refuses to come clean and in SC, students protest a ban on wearing 'Confederate clothing', while the ACLU starts a nationwide campaign against phone snooping (you see, we need to TELL our congresscritters we don't like being spied on ... the third of us who still have some distaste for the state knowing our every move, that is) ...

Commentaries this week on the immigration 'debate' (which is 'going to get very ugly, very fast' if history is a guide), smoking bans, the Iran badge story (which turned out to be just more neo-con propeganda to drum up support for the 'new war' in Iran), a worker owned garment factory, more thoughts on the Da Vinci code (and the protestors who are following the dictates of 'Mother Church', be it Catholic or Fundamentalist) and just in time for the election season, Conscientious Non-Voting 2006: Liberation from within.

Til next week

For freedom

Mary Lou

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Sunday, May 07, 2006

LAND: The week in review April 30-May 6
Liberty Action News Digest

Top activist news this week, the May Day immigrant protests draw over a million to the streets ... while the much smaller anti-war protests (on 'Mission Accomplished Day') get little press. Several commentaries contrasting the two marches and movements, a horrid new anti-immigrant video game (Over the (border) line) and a new way to control 'rioters' ... slime them.

In other news, an 80 year old widow in Ohio continues to resist an eminent domain eviction, Rumsfeld heckled, challenged on Iraq, college students at Wellesley learn the reality of the police state as they are arrested for 'chalking' sidewalks, just released data reveals just how often the Patriot Act was used for illegal searches in 2005, University of Colorado drug thugs seek snitches, the Justice Dept. moves to quash privacy suit against AT&T, an Ohio Mall pulls plug on band with anti-Bush shirts, and in Montana, Governor to grant pardons for sedition .... during WWI.

Commentaries this week on the 'two marches', Granny Power, eminent domain, the sold out media, Bush's imperial presidency, Mission Accomplished Day, and a wonderful article about returning to 'community based agriculture' (No Bar Code).

Til next week

For freedom

Mary lou

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