Liberty Activist Blog

Friday, May 30, 2003

Another reader, from Canada, writes in:

>Seems very odd.

>Why no fine, and seizure of building equipment? I asked an odd assortment of questions so that I could
>find out what the true intent was behind this matter.


David Smith

----- Original Message -----
From: David A. Smith
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 8:04 AM
Subject: Visit Richland County, SC

Dear Sir,

Did someone from Richland County, SC want this lot at a reduced price?

Is this the usual way of handling building without a permit?

What does your state do to visitors if this is what you do to
your own citizens?

Was this person mistreated on the basis of sex?

David Smith

Good questions, David... David is still awaiting a response & will let me know if he gets one.

In last week's column, Free Frank Cooper, I suggested that folks write the various public officials responsible for Cooper's commitment to a mental hospital. Here's an exchange between one of our readers and the county Sheriff.

-----Original Message-----
> From: sui juris []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 1:31 AM
> Cc:;;
> Subject: Frank Cooper
> Sheriff Lott:
> You've supposedly taken an oath to uphold the
> Constitution for the State of South Carolina and for
> the united States of America, and you have failed on both
> counts, regarding Frank Cooper and his property rights.
> You are the most powerful Constitutionally authorized
> enforcement officer in the county, and as primary
> defender of the people, it is your DUTY to prevent
> this violation of rights, which are protected by Articles
> IV and V of the Bill of Rights, and the fact that no county
> ordinance prohibits Cooper living there in a tent.
> You can stop this illegal trespass by some in the com-
> munity, and the county supervisors, who think they live in
> a democracy (mob rule) rather than a republic, (rule of
> law) by defending rights instead of joining in the trespass
> to steal Cooper's rights and deprive him of his liberty.
> If you haven't got the integrity to fulfill your oath, then you
> don't belong in that job. You should be sent on your way
> by all those in your community who have a clear vision
> of God-given rights, protected by law, as opposed to
> mob rule, or the majority's will, against individual rights,
> without regard to law. Those who can see their own
> futures in jeopardy from your lack of support for sound
> principles, for which many have given their lives to
> defend, should have great concern over any breach of> this country's Constitution: Art IV: "The right of the
> people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
> effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall
> not be violated....." and Art. V: "...nor be deprived of
> life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;...."
> No county supervisor or sheriff can vitiate this law.
> You can correct this mistake by reversing this action,
> getting Mr. Cooper out of the mental hospital, and leaving
> him alone to complete his effort to construct a dwelling.
> You might even encourage the community to join in the
> completing of construction, to help heal the wrong this
> man has suffered, by those who have failed to
> acknowledge his rights, AND THE LAW.
> Regards, SJ

From: "Lott, Leon"
To: "'sui juris'"
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 11:44 AM
Subject: RE: Frank Cooper

> Our responsibility is to Mr. Cooper and the other citizens of Richland
> County. I want to make sure that Mr. Cooper is protected, and no criminal
> violations are committed against him and his property.
> I am also concerned about Mr. Cooper's safety both personal, and mental.
> Judge and a mental health professional determined that Mr. Cooper needed
> mental health assistance. This was not decided by the Sheriff's
> I will continue to do my job and uphold the oath I took.
> Leon Lott
> Sheriff

Dear Sheriff Lott: Your name represents a strong interest
in law and order, justice and liberty, throughout the
history of England and America. I can only hope that
you, in the tradition of your heritage, will realize that ANY
TRESPASS on another's property, or person, is a crime
in America. You committed that crime, and became an
accessory to the crimes of others, because you neglected
to stop it. Many judges and hiway patrolmen have kid-
napped folks who present themselves as SOVEREIGN
INDIVIDUALS, not bound by the 14th Amendment
definition of the "Citizen of the United States," and there-
by declared, to be an enemy of the State. These
same folks, who have not contracted away their
sovereign God-given rights for privileges from the State,
are put into mental facilities, for psychiatric evaluation.
And in the case of one such Dentist, are force-fed drugs
to support the doctor/judge/cop's conclusion that he is
nuts. Justice starts and ends with your authority. You
have the toughest job in the State, and your discretion
must support liberty and freedom in all cases, and not the
will of those supervisors who, because they cut your
paycheck, think they have control over your decisions
for what's right or wrong. Your ultimate judgment for
your actions comes from your maker, and you have to
live with that in your heart. Please do what's right, not
what's politically correct. Thanks for responding, SJ

Great letters, SJ! If Sheriff Lott responds again, do let me know!
Mary Lou

Hello! I've created the blog to complement the Liberty Action of the Week column. Many times, after a column, I receive great emails from readers who report on what they have done to implement the weekly action, and I'd like to share those reports with the other members of our activist community. Hope y'all find it interesting and useful. Enjoy!