Liberty Activist Blog

Monday, December 26, 2005

Liberty Action News: The week in review Dec.19-25

A day late this week, just got back from a trip to visit relatives in North Carolina ... hope you all had a great Christmas!

In news of the weird ... the 'Little red Book' story that had us all aghast turned out to be ... a hoax? as the student recanted the entire story ... so, which was the lie? Hm.

And the beat goes on ... as Dubya and Gonzales and other administration flunkies 'vigorously'defend the indefensible warrantless domestic spying ... vow to continue doing it ... including spying on moms writing their sons in the military ... reporters and activists ... and at last even mainstream columnists are speaking the "I" word ....

Funniest question of the week ... Will Republican Senators save the republic? Well, they did put off the debate on Patriot Act ... for a month ... hoping, perhaps, we peasants might forget about it over the holidays?

In other stories we've been following, the Maye transcripts are now online thanks to 'The Agitator' ... read them for yourself and decide if 'justice was done'. In New York, the NYCLU files appeal on subway searches, and, in North Carolina: "Free Speech Zone" protesters arrested.

As the year winds down, I want to thank all of you who've donated a few bucks to keep LAND online, who've sent me stories, comments, and encouragement. This has been a very 'interesting' year, and next year looks to be even more 'interesting' ... putting together the weekly version of LAND really helps ME put things in perspective, and it helps a lot to know that all of y'all are still 'out there' ...

Til next week (and next year!)

For freedom (never say die)

Mary Lou

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