Liberty Activist Blog

Sunday, November 20, 2005

LAND: The week in review Nov.14-20

The best news this week ... despite the machinations of the Bushies and their buddies, the Patriot Act reauthorization was ' blocked Friday by an odd-bedfellows coalition of liberals and conservatives who protested that it did too little to protect Americans' civil liberties'. ... for the moment, at least, giving us one last chance to tell our senators and reps exactly what we think about this latest bid to destroy the few constitutional protections we have left. In anti-war news, Cindy Sheehan's 'Day in Court' results in a misdemeanor conviction for 'protesting without a permit' ... sadly, her defense was 'this wasn't a protest, we were just delivering petitions' not 'permits? we don't need no steenkin' permits'; a soldier seeks conscientious objector status (and is ordered for weapons training). In the battle for control of the Net, a slight reprieve, as the current battle ends in a stalemate.

Commentaries this week include a perspicacious analysis of the 'fractured anti-war movement' from the left (some of whom are at last realizing how much in comon they have with libertarians!), a message for all of us who hope to 'change the world' ['Saving the world through saving yourself '], Claire Wolfe announces her Yule gift to herself ... a year of silence, several commentaries on the 'Patriots of Guantanamo' , and several chilling reports on privacy invasions ... 'Feds using ISPs to spy', 'Printers and privacy'
and 'Are you a public figure?

Also, a new action this week from EFF that we best support before it's too late: Support bloggers' rights!

Til next week

For freedom

Mary Lou

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